Private Lyfe

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How to be the envy of all your holiday guests. Insider tips + tricks.

I don’t know about you but I love to host a party! However, even if you don’t, I’ll share some tips I’ve found useful over the years, to make you look like a goddess on the domestic front! If your a veteran than you probably already know how to plan Thanksgiving for 20 guests, but if you’re a newbie then buckle up!

Plan, plan, plan, make lists and check them off. Make a realistic list that works for your life. The major component should be enjoying the holiday with your guests, not sweating it out in the kitchen! If you’re overwhelmed or unprepared the fun goes right out the window.

I always start with a guest list and make sure you extend a proper invitation. Whether that is by mail, phone call, Evite or email take the time to make it pretty and outline all the details.

I always like to assign something for each guest to bring, taking into consideration their fondness for cooking I plan accordingly. Uncle Steve can handle rolls but not a full blown dish, but Mom loves to bring her pumpkin pies. Let your guests help, from beverages, appetizers and olives, many hands make light work. Plus, be thankful for the help, a blend of all of us at the table is kind of the point.

Gather up all your recipes and make a menu. Yes, a full blown menu, with all the details you’ve been dreaming of, from appetizers to dessert. Take that menu and make it into a shopping list. I like to map out my list by department (I know that is fairly OCD and I’ll admit that I am), but trust me it cuts your shopping time in half. And, shopping at turkey time is no joke. I also like to divide or create a separate list that shows which items can be made ahead of time and which days I will be prepping what.

Plot out your seating area, do you have enough seating for your whole family, and friends? You can rent some pretty amazing set-ups here in the desert. I like to create a Pinterest board for tablescape inspo and really hone in what Fall vibe I’m going to use. Keep it simple and use only 2 to 3 colors. I like to choose natural colors and textures for Fall. Try to keep the tablescape low enough for guests to have conversation. Simple branches in clear glass vases are also a nice touch to the entry way, and powder room. Once you have determined your seating and tablescape, set that table! I ALWAYS set my table at least 4-5 days before the event. Then it’s one less thing to worry about and, if you need to tweak it it’s not the morning of the big day. If you don’t have the perfect china, you can rent some really great options. I personally love food plated on a white plate, and many stores sell boxes of simple white dishes. I have over 50 white, simple plates that I purchased at Pottery Barn years ago, (they are their catering box of plates), but World Market also has a great box as well. Don’t forget some creative place cards! Also, really think through all the serving bowls and pop a serving spoon in each one so when the food is hot you’re not running to the kitchen looking for extras! Remember, you’ll probably be sweating by now.

When it’s a few days before the BIG day, I start to cube my bread for stuffing, do all the chopping for stuffing, make my gravy roux and pop it in the fridge, did you know a really cold roux makes your gravy epic? Anything that can be prepped and keep well, I do in advance, it’s a lifesaver later. When I take the time early on to complete a bulk of the work, I can actually enjoy the day and my guests a lot easier. That little tidbit is has truly saved me time and time again, from kids birthday parties to full blown events, planning makes it so much easier.

Now that your guests are invited and have rsvp’d, and your table is planned, your list and menu are ready, it’s time to consider some music options so everyone has a little fun and a signature cocktail is always a fun way to get guests mingling. Try and style your bar area in keeping with your table scheme. I love to use little chalkboard signs so people know what is before them, and some fun cocktail recipes on small chalkboards at the bar to inspire some fun creative bartending! When styling your home, keep the theme from your table consistent and cohesive with the rest of your decor and don’t over do it, less is more.

A group always loves a game, it’s fun to set up a game table with some interactive easy games and cards that inspire conversation. I’ll never forget the year the kids had us all play “Heads Up”, everyone got involved and we laughed so hard while grandpa had a few too many wines and was dancing with all the granddaughters…. the memories are the best!

On the big day, I get up early and prep the big things and take my shower…. seems obvious but literally if I don’t plan this early I’m barely dressed when the guests arrive…. I learned this years ago.

The more you plan and prep the more fun you will have with your guests and it’s finally time for some WINE!

If all of this still makes you want to crawl in bed and cry, you can always call us if you’re in the desert area of Palm Springs and I can help you with the party of your dreams.

Happy Turkey Day! Remember, if we learned anything this year it’s that we found out all the things we are truly thankful for! One of those things for me is YOU, thank you for tuning in!